Category Archives: Holidays

Trick or treat?

One Easter, we went to Giles’ family’s house. I don’t know what arrangements were made with the Easter Bunny, but I had an Easter basket there.

As afternoon faded into evening, and our candy supplies dwindled, Giles said he had an idea as to how we can replenish our candy.

Before I realized what was happening, we were going door to door in his subdivision, carrying our Easter baskets, and ringing doorbells. Although we hadn’t worn costumes, our haul was substantial. I don’t think we even left the block.

When we got back to the house, our parents asked where we had been. When we proudly showed them our replenished Easter baskets, they were not as ecstatic as we were. In fact, Giles’ mother exclaimed, “You mean, you went around to all the neighbors?” Being an upright Southern woman, she was clearly worried about what the neighbors might think.

Trick or treat — it’s not just for Halloween anymore.